Beautiful People #5: Saelas

Guess who's turn it is for this month's Beautiful People!  Go on, guess. …you cheated and looked at the title of this post, didn't you?  Cheater. Well, the others didn't let me change the title of the post to a random character to trick you, so in this case, you're right.  It's Saelas's turn. Give … Continue reading Beautiful People #5: Saelas

The Importance of, and How to Write, Character Foils

Tiri here.  I'm cowriting this post with Saelas. Saelas, say hi. [Hi.] Ereinne is the talkative one of the Oracular group, but I like to talk, too.  I like to know what people think, especially.  Secrets drive me crazy. Saelas, on the other hand, is perfectly okay with…not saying anything at all.  And being infuriatingly silent. … Continue reading The Importance of, and How to Write, Character Foils