Character Studies (February)— Appearances

Character Studies (#WritingCharacterStudies) February 2019 Fears Pt 2 Featured Image

Character studies is a monthly interview.  For more info, see here.

Interested in participating?  Copy/paste the following questions, pick a character to answer them, and then share the link back here so we can go check it out!

It’s so easy to describe characters with the three most boring traits ever—eye color, hair color/style, and height. But honestly, when you look at people, are those really the things you immediately notice and pay attention to?

Often the best way to describe characters is by figuring out what is most noticeable first and foremost about them.

(Need a refresher on describing things? Check out my post Coloring Your Descriptions.)

  • What kind of pajamas do you wear?
  • Describe what you feel are your three most prominent physical features.
  • How would your closest friend/ally/a family member describe your three most prominent physical features?
  • How would the person who likes you the least (or an enemy of yours) describe your three most prominent physical features?
  • What about your appearance do you wish you could change? What would you want to absolutely stay the same?
  • How attractive do you think you are? How attractive do other people think you are? What makes you attractive or not?
  • What do you wear? How important are clothes to your “idenity”? I.e. could you wear something vastly different and still easily be recognizable as you? Why or why not?
  • Why do you wear your hair the way you do?
  • You are forced to wear a disguise for one reason or another. What is the disguise?
  • Bonus: Chocolate or flowers?

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